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Putting My Experience to Work


         I was born and raised in Waco, Texas and work as an Investment Advisor with Disciplined Investors, LLC.  I received my BBA from Tarleton State University and after 5 years working for Central National Bank, I began teaching in the Ron E. Smith Academy of Business and Finance at A.J. Moore Academy, which later moved to University High School.

         I taught courses in Dual Credit Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Banking and Finance, and Principles of Banking, Marketing, and Finance.  Along with my teaching responsibilities, I oversaw the school’s volunteer income tax assistance (VITA) program.  This allowed me to teach income tax accounting to my business and finance students.  In my time there, as IRS certified volunteer tax preparers, my students were able to complete over 10,000 hours of community service, e-filing over 25,000 tax returns, all at no cost to Central Texas families. These returns totaled over 40 million dollars in refunds to the Waco community. 

         In my time at University High School I worked together with colleagues and wrote a $40,000 grant through Educate Texas that helped bring a fully functioning branch of Educators Credit Union to our campus to help promote financial literacy throughout the school.  The "Trojan Branch" continues operate in University High School.  Students and staff can open accounts, cash checks, and faculty can make car and loan payments.


         I currently serve on the Board of Directors for Educators Credit Union, Greater Waco Legal Services, and the Dr. Pepper Museum & Free Enterprise Institute.  

Outside of my duties as a Waco ISD Board Member, I also continue to volunteer my time in Waco ISD schools across the district. 


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Political ad paid for by Angelo Ochoa for School Board Campaign
Thomas "Rell" Salome IV, Treasurer

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